SCF kicks off 2024 with a major new partnership, becoming a partner of Top of The Music by FIMI/GfK. The chart tracks weekly sales and streaming data for physical products and digital tracks, providing the only official reference for the music market.
We are very pleased to support the official Italian music chart," comments Mariano Fiorito, General Manager of SCF. "It is a central monitoring tool for the music industry, which accompanies the technological evolutions of the sector and especially the changes in consumption, allowing SCF to enhance the core activity of collecting and distributing related rights."
Compiled on the basis of quantitative market information collected weekly through the "Point of Sales Tracking" service of GfK Italia, the Top of The Music inaugurates a new methodology starting from week 1/2024 and currently consists of the following charts:
- Top 100 Albums & Compilations (including: albums on physical media (e.g. CDs, vinyls), digital downloads, premium and ad-supported audio streaming listens),
- Top 20 CDs, Vinyls and Cassettes (which replaces the previous Top 20 Vinyls and includes albums on physical media with the highest number of sales detected within the represented channels)
- Top 100 Singles (songs with the highest number of downloads and the highest number of audio and video streaming listens, premium and ad-supported).