Entertainment in bathing establishments and accommodation facilities

Every summer has its own soundtrack. Engage your guests with the hottest and most up-to-date seasonal hits.

Music Licencing for Beach Clubs

Regularise the use of music during entertainment activities (dance parties, children's games, water aerobics, sports, aperitifs...).

The fee varies depending on the opening period of the business, the surface area of the concession, and the means of diffusion used.

SCF collects the fees directly.

Beach club operators can regularise their position by:

  • Paying the "bollettino freccia" (invoice) that SCF sends annually via PEC (CEM)
  • Subscribing to the appropriate licence

For more information, to request a quote, or to issue a "bollettino freccia," please write to commerciale@scfitalia.it and send us the following information:

  • Company name
  • VAT number
  • Business opening period
  • Surface area of the concession
  • Means of diffusion
  • Start date of diffusion

Tariffs >

Music Licencing for Accommodation Facilities

Regularise the use of music during entertainment activities with a flat weekly fee.

The fee varies depending on the number of weeks the facility is open and the occupancy rate od bedrooms/beds.

SCF collects the fees directly.

To get more information or a quote, please write to commerciale@scfitalia.it and send us the following information:

  • Company name
  • VAT number
  • occupancy rate of bedrooms/beds
  • Number of weeks open in the year
  • Start date of diffusion

Tariffs >

SCF S.r.l. - Via Leone XIII, 14 - 20145 Milano | Contacts
C.F. - P.IVA 12925820156 - Electronic invoicing code: MJEGRSK
Fax +39 02 46547500 - Toll Free Number: 800767875