Bingo, Casinos and Gaming Halls

Our repertoire of 20 million songs allows you to create the right atmosphere in gaming environments

Compensation is annual and covers the diffusion of background music within the establishment.

The fee varies based on the area open to the public, expressed in square meters.

SCF directly collects the fees.

For more information or to receive a quote, write to sending us the following information:

  • Company Name
  • VAT Number
  • Surface Area
  • Means of diffusion used
  • Start date of diffusion


SCF S.r.l. - Via Leone XIII, 14 - 20145 Milano | Contacts
C.F. - P.IVA 12925820156 - Electronic invoicing code: MJEGRSK
Fax +39 02 46547500 - Toll Free Number: 800767875