FAQ producers

I am already registered with SIAE, can I also register with SCF?

Yes, you can be a member of both SIAE and SCF because they collect different royalties.

SCF collects and distributes the neighbouring rights of record producers.

SIAE collects and distributes the rights of authors and publishers.

Catalogue management

On the Katalegale platform you can:

  • Declare an album: from the "New Publication" area
  • Declare a single: from the "New Registration" area
  • Declare a repertoire massively in xls: from the "Massive Upload" area
  • Declare from digital flow: write to katalegale@scfitalia.it
  • Declare through RDX: write to katalegale@scfitalia.it 

It is advisable to insert and update your owned repertoire periodically and constantly, based on the record releases.

An annual verification of the uploaded content is also required, by February 28th of the year following the record release (or the acquisition of ownership).

In the "Search" area of the Katalegale website, set the following filter: registration filters, ownership = owner.

You can also export the search results in xls format.

In the "Search" area of Katalegale you can:

  • Make changes to existing publications and recordings by entering the unit to be modified using the pencil icon to the left of the title.
  • Manage massive changes by applying the same condition to a set of recordings resulting from the search (max 1,000) by clicking on the "Mod Massive" function at the bottom of the page. For more than 1,000 recordings, click on "Mod Massive" and upload the list of Recording IDs to be modified.

If you sell or transfer ownership of a music catalogue, you can transfer the data to the acquiring producer by modifying the declared catalogue.


ID automatically assigned by SCF to each musical registration declared within katalegale. You can retrieve it in the "Search" area of the platform and view it both in the search results and in the xls export file.

The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the international system for identifying sound recordings and music videos. Each ISRC is a unique and permanent identifier and it is recommended to include it in every music product and in digital fingerprints.

The ISRC allows for the automatic identification of recordings for royalty payments. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) recommends that all music producers use the ISRC.

How to obtain the ISRC code from FIMI.

The ISRC system is the key to collecting royalties from the use of music recordings in the digital age:

  • A unique and reliable international identification system
  • A unique tool for rights administration
  • A useful identification tool for the digital distribution of music
  • Compatible with consumer electronics standards and readable by hardware already used in the music industry
  • Attributable without investment in equipment or technology

By assigning the mandate to SCF, the producer can collect the related rights derived from the exploitation of their own record repertoire by broadcasters and public establishments.

Yes, there is no fee to join SCF. SCF will only apply its commissions on the rights that are actually distributed.

Yes, you can be a member of both SIAE and SCF because they collect different royalties.

SCF collects and distributes the neighbouring rights of record producers.

SIAE collects and distributes the rights of authors and publishers.

Yes, the mandate for the management of neighbouring rights can be granted by both companies and individuals, as long as they are the original or derivative owners (e.g. licence) of the neighbouring rights covered by the mandate.

Yes, you can join two collecting societies only if the catalogue or rights assigned to each collecting society are different.

It is not possible for two collecting societies to simultaneously collect the same rights for the same repertoire and for the same territories.

It is necessary to sign the mandate contract accompanied by all the required documents.

The following documents are required:

  • ID card of the legal representative
  • Musical catalogue

The chamber of commerce certificate is only required for companies.


SCF applies the following fees, only on the rights that are actually distributed:

  • 19% on neighbouring rights
  • 3% on Private Copying
  • 10% on rights from Foreign Collecting Societies

The collection of related rights starts from the date of the assignment of the mandate to SCF.

It is possible to retroactively recover the private copy right up to the last competence not yet cashed by SIAE.

If the producer has not previously granted a mandate to any collecting society for the collection of the private copy, it will also be possible to recover royalties relating to previous competences up to the limitation period.

Yes, based on the reciprocity agreements signed with the counterpart collecting societies present all over the world.

The distribution criteria are defined in the "internal regulations on the conferral of the mandate and the distribution of rights".

In the presence of analytical reports provided by the users, the collected proceeds are distributed on the basis of the actual use of the phonograms.

In the absence of such information, the so-called non-analytical criteria are applied.

Royalties are distributed by SCF every three months.

SCF S.r.l. - Via Leone XIII, 14 - 20145 Milano | Contacts
C.F. - P.IVA 12925820156 - Electronic invoicing code: MJEGRSK
Fax +39 02 46547500 - Toll Free Number: 800767875