
The compensation regularises the musical diffusion within events, shows, square parties and street festivals.

The fee is unitary for each day of the event and is based on the number of attendees (daily participating spectators) and the purpose/relevance of the event.

SCF collects the fees directly. To regularise your position:

  • pay the pre-printed invoice that SCF sends annually via CEM
  • or, alternatively, sign the appropriate licence.

For more information, to receive a quote, or to request the issuance of a pre-printed invoice, write to sending us the following information:

Company name, VAT number, number of expected attendees, event date, means of diffusion, type of use

Tariffs >

Events organised by Local Tourism and Culture Associations (Pro loco)

The fee is unitary for each day of the event and is based on the number of residents registered in the hamlet or municipality where the Pro Loco association operates.

SIAE collects the fees.

Tariffs >

SCF S.r.l. - Via Leone XIII, 14 - 20145 Milano | Contacts
C.F. - P.IVA 12925820156 - Electronic invoicing code: MJEGRSK
Fax +39 02 46547500 - Toll Free Number: 800767875