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Neighbouring rights and Private Copying rights

SCF manages in Italy neighbouring rights, private copying rights, unclaimed recordings.

Neighbouring rights and Private Copying rights

Neighbouring rights

SCF manages the rights deriving from the use of recorded music in public. The object of lincences are articles 72, 73 and 73bis of the Italian Copyright Law n.633/1941, and they are necessary in order to legally use in public sound recordings included in SCF repertoire, through:

  • broadcasting
  • public performance.

SCF also manages rights related to the Internet and new technologies: Simulcasting, Webcasting, Downloading and Mobile Casting.

Private copying rights

Private copying rights are provided for by art.71 septies of the Italian Copyright Law n.633/1941. They are paid to SIAE (the Italian Copyright Society) by those companies which produce and sell recording devices, in order to compensate authors for the loss deriving from private reproduction of works protected by copyright.

SIAE pays a 50% share of this total amount to Music Licensing Companies (MLCs) representing both phonographic producers and performers. MLCs then distribute revenues coming from the private copying right to their members, according to their internal royalties distribution rules.

Private copying rights from kiosk sales

In Italy the private copying rights are also generated from sound recordings included in publications sold in kiosk and shops (i.e. CDs/DVDs sold or given for free together with newspapers and magazines).

These royalties can be distributed to those producers who have given mandate for the private copying right to SCF.

Unclaimed recordings

SCF publishes on its website the unclaimed recordings, i.e. those sound recordings not claimed by members during the claiming period, allowing also not members to make claims on them.

Mandate and Distribution of Royalties

SCF Board of Directors has approved amendments to the Internal Regulation Procedures Concerning the Mandate and the Distribution Of Royalties. Among such amendments are changes to the royalties distribution criteria and the procedure to resolve double claims. The new provisions relating to definitive allocations will produce effects from 2021 reference year.

To find out more please read the full document.